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Связанные издания:
Distributed Systems and Ada - Current Projects and Approaches Comparative Study s Results
Distribution of Tasks within a Centrally Scheduled Local Area Network
Dynamically-Valued Constants: An Underused Language Feature
ECLIPS - A Successful Experiment Combining CCSDS SFDUs, X/Motif, HOOD and Ada
Elaboration Order Issues in Ada 9X
Endian-Independent Record Representation Clauses
Enseigner la programmation avec CAML et Ada (cours realise au CNAM)
Environment for the Development and Specification of Real-Time Ada Programs
Error Density and Size in Ada Software
Error-Prone Exception Handling in Large Ada Systems
ESSPASE: European Space Software Product Assurance Support Environment
Evaluation of a SPARC Board Equipped with the Ada Tasking Corpocessor (ATAC)
Evaluation Semantics in Z
Evolution of an Approach to Undergraduate ADA and Software Engineering Instruction
Evolving an Ada Curriculum to 9X
Ex-2: Integrating Ada and Extra Support in a Doubly Portable Extended Executive Designed for Hard Real Time Systems
Experiences Integrating Object-Oriented Analysis with Joint Application Development (JAD)
Experiences with CMS2-to-Ada Translation Tools
Experiences with the Partitions Model
Explosing Uninitialized Variables: Strengthening and Extending Run-Time Checks in Ada
Exposing Memory Corruption and Finding Leaks: Advanced Mechanisms in Ada
Expression Templates in Ada
Extended Application of Ada to Cover ECBS with 04S
Extracting Ada 95 Objects from Legacy Ada Programs
FAA Certification of Ada Run-Time Systems
Floating Point Attributes in Ada
Functional Points in an Ada Object-Oriented Design?
Generation of Interface Design Description Documents Using ASIS
Graphics Development in Ada
GtkAda: Design and Implementation of a High Level Binding in Ada
Guidance on the Use of Ada95 in High Integrity Systems
Hardware/Software Embedded System Specification and Design Using Ada and VHDL
High Integrity Data in a UML and C World
High-Integrity Interfacing to Programmable Logic with AdaP.
High Integrity Ravenscar
High-Integrity Systems Development for Integrated Modular Avionics Using VxWorks and GNAT
How Should Military Ada Software Be Documented?
How to Modify the GNAT Frontend to Experiment with Ada Extensions
How to Program in Ada 9X, Using Ada 83
How to Use GNAT to Efficiently Preprocess New Ada Sentences
Implementing Ada.Real.Time.Clock and Absolute Delays in Real-Time Kernels
Implementing a Flexible Scheduler in Ada
Implementing Analysable Hard Real-time Sporadic Tasks in Ada 9X
Implementing a New Low-Level Tasking Support for the GNAT Runtime System
Implementing Execution-Time Clocks for the Ada Ravenscar Profile
In an Ada Lint Necessary?
Information Systems Support in Ada 9X
Inside the Distributed Systems Annex
Integrating Groups and Transactions: A Fault-Tolerant Extension of Ada
Interfacing Computer Communications from Ada in a Diverse and Evolving Environment
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