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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Configuration Approach to Parallel Programming
A Distributed Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog on transputer Architectures
A Multidisciplinary Laboratory with Occam and the Transputer
An Approach to Transputer Programs Developments: from Fine-Grained to Coarse-Grained Parallelism
An Implementation of Static Functional Process Networks
A Scalable Performance Prediction Method for Parallel Neural Network Simulations
A Transputer Based Visually Guided Robot System Using Neuro-Control
A Transputer T9000 Family Based Architecture for Parallel Database Machines
Computer Analysis of Motion on Parallel Transputer Network
Dynamic Parallelism in Transputer Systems
DYNAMO: A Processes-Processors Mapper for Occam2 Programs
Experience with MIMD Message-Passing Systems: Towards General Purpose Parallel Computing
Future Directions in Transputer Technology
How to exploit the object potential parallelism with a massively parallel architecture
Implementing a parallel PROLOG interpreter by using OCCAM and transputers
IMS T424 Transputer Reference Manual
IMS T800 Transputer
Le-Lisp sur Transputers
Multiscattering on a reconfigurable network of processors
Multi-Transputer Implementation of Detonational Initiation Processes in Combustible Gas Mixtures
OR-Parallelism in Theorem Proving: Speedups versus Timeout
Parallel Optimisation of Join Queries Using a Technique of Exhaustive Nature
Parallel Romberg Extrapolation on a Transputer System
Practical AI Problems Using Transputers
PREENS, a Parallel Research Execution Environment for Neural Systems
Primal and Revised Simplex Algorithms on a Network of T800 Transputers
Quickplay: System for Bottom-up Transputer Programming
RTSM - A Runtime System for Transputer based Realtime Systems
Some Experimental Results in Implementing a Logic Language with Multi-head Clauses on a Transputer Architecture
Stream Programming Paradigm for Transputer Networks
Teaching Parallel Computing Using Transputers
The Class Transputer Router
The Megaframe Hypercluster - a Reconfigurable Architecture for Massively Parallel Computers
The Software-Monitor DELTA-T and Its Use for Performance Measurements of Some Farming Variants on the Multi-Transputer System DAMP
The Transputer Family
Tlisp: A Concorrent Lisp for the Transputers
Transputer Based Diesel Engine Simulation
Transputer Implementation of Parallel Real-Time Systems
Two-Dimensional (2-D) Object Recognition on a Parallel Transputer Network
Z-Buffer on a transputer-based machine
Методы построения мультитранспьютерных систем с мультишинной архитектурой
Программное обеспечение транспьютерных ускорителей
Разработка масштабируемых параллельных программ с помо ью системы QUICKPLAY
Транспьютеры - новые средства построения параллельных архитектур
Численное интегрирование методом Монте-Карло на транспьютерах