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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Algorithms in C++
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 92: Proc./Third Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory. Helsinki, Finland, July 1992
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 94: Proc./4th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory. Aarhus, Denmark, July 1994
Alias Types for Recursive Data Structures
A Linear-Time Scheme for Version Reconstruction
A Logical Approach to Data Structures
Alternatives to the B+ -tree
Amalgamating SGML Documents and Databases
A Matching Algorithm for Measuring the Structural Similarity between an XML Document and a DTD and Its Applications
A Methodology for Implementing Highly Concurrent Data Objects
A Modal Framework for Structured Logic Programs
A Model for Classification Structures with Evolution Control
A Model for Representing and Retrieving Heterogeneous Structured Documents Based on Evidential Reasoning
A Model Using Classes as a Basic Organization Tool
A Multiattrubute File System for Shared Nothing Architectures
An Abstract Data Type for Freezable Lists and DAGs
An Action Structure for Synchronous -Calculus
An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Interpretation of Definite Programs
Analysis of Dinamic Algorithms in D.E.Knuth s Model
Analysis of parallel uniform hashing
Analysis of Pointers and Structures
Analytical Comparison of Two Spatial Data Structures
An Analysis of ML Typability
An Approach to Algebraic Theory of Discrete Signals
An Architectural Infrastructure for Product Families
An Axiomatisation of Duplication Equivalence in the Petri Box Calculus
An Efficient Implementation of Parallel A
An Efficient Index Structure for High Dimensional Image Data
An Efficient Polynomial-Time Algorithm to Decide Liveness and Boundedness of Free-Choice Nets
An Enhanced Main Memory Index Structure Employing the Level Prefetching Technique
An Event Structure Semantics for P/T Contextual Nets: Asymmetric Event Structures
An Extention of Manifold Boundary Representations to the r-Sets
An Implementation Overview of the Aditi Deductive Database System
An Integrated Approach to Enterprise Computing Architectures
An Introduction to Dynamic Labeled 2-Structures
An N-Dimentional Data Structure in Support of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Translation
Annotated Structure Shape Graphs for Abstract Analysis of Prolog
An Object-Oriented Database of Protein Structure Data
An Operational Semantics for TOOPLE: A Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language
An Operator Calculus Approach to the Evolution of Dynamic Data Structures
An optimal algorithm for decomposing a window into maximal quadtree blocks
An XML-Enabled Association Rule Framework
An X-Windows Toolkit for Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Based on Conceptual Structures
A Paging Scheme for Pointer-Based Quadtrees
A Parallel Debugger with Support for Distributed Arrays, Multiple Executables and Dynamic Processes
A Pattern Matching Compiler for Multiple Target Languages
Applications of Structural Synthesis of Programs
Applied Semantics: Advanced Lectures/Intern. Summer School, APPSEM 2000, Caminha, Portugal, September 2000
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: Proc./14th Int.Workshop, APPROX 2011 and 15th Int.Workshop, RANDOM 2011, Princeton,NJ,USA, August 2011
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques: Proc./15th Int WS, APPROX 2012, and 16th Int WS, RANDOM 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 2012
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