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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Dynamic Parsers and Evolving Grammars
Dynamic Partial Evaluation
Dynamic Programming and the Graphical Traveling Salesman Problem
Dynamic Programming as Multiagent Programming
Dynamic Programming Optimization for Logic Queries with Aggregates
Dynamic Query-Based Debugging
Dynamic Refresh Method for Dynamic RAMs
Dynamic Relationships in Object Oriented Databases: A Uniform Approach
Dynamic Scheduling of Parallel Applications
Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks, by Assignment
Dynamic Semantic Specification by Two-Level Grammars for a Block Structured Language with Subroutine Parameters
Dynamic Software Reconfiguration in Software Product Families
Dynamic Specialization in Extended Functional Language with Monotone Objects
Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review
Dynamic Strings in Fortran 90
Dynamic System Modeling by Typed Gurevich Machines
Dynamic Systems Based on Update Sets
Dynamic System Simulation with Qualitative Differential Equations
Dynamic Systems with Implicit State
Dynamic Term Rewriting Calculus and Its Application to Inductive Equational Reasoning
Dynamic Types and Type Dependent Functions
Dynamic Typing as Staged Type Inference
Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language
Dynamic Typing in Polymorphic Languages
Effective Learning in Dynamic Environments by Explicit Context Tracking
Efficient Analysis of Logic Programs with Dynamic Scheduling
Efficient Mining of Association Rules in Large Dynamic Databases
Elementary Net Systems and Dynamic Logic
EMiLiA: An experimental semantic analyzer of dynamic data structures
Equational Axioms of Test Algebra
Equations for Describing Dynamic Nets of Communicating Systems
Estimates of Cycle Times in Stochastic Petri Nets
Evaluating Models of Memory Allocation
Event Identification and Intelligent Hybrid Control
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Proc./6th International Conference, EMO 2011, Ouro Preto, Brazil, April 2011
Evolution of Object Bahavior Using Context Relations
Existential Graphs and Dynamic Predicate Logic
Experiences Developing and Using an Object-Oriented Library for Program Manipulation
Exploiting Dependent And-parallelism in Prolog: the Dynamic Dependent And-parallel Scheme (DDAS)
Exploiting Domain-Specific Properties: Compiling Parallel Dynamic Neural Network Algorithms into Efficient Code
FAA Certification of Ada Run-Time Systems
Fast allocation and deallocation with an improved buddy system
Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation
Flexible Models for Dynamic Linking
Formalisation of the behavior of across by colored Petri nets and some applications
From Dynamic Programming to Greedy Algorithms
From Static to Dynamic Abstract Data-Types
Fuzzy Dynamic Systems
Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming
Generic Interacting State Machines and Their Instantiation with Dynamic Features
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