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Связанные издания:
Dividing the Software Pie
DocLine: Метод разработки документации семейств программных продуктов
Does Every Inspection Need a Meeting?
Does Use of Development Model Affect Estimation Accuracy and Bias?
Domain-Based COTS-Product Selection Method
Domain Modeling and The Duration Calculus: Advanced Lectures/International Training School. Shanghai, China, September 2007
Domain Networks in the Software Development Process
Do Process-Centred Environments Deserve Process-Centred Tools?
Do We Need Agile Software Development Tools?
Drawings on Napkins, Video-Game Animation, and Other Ways to Program Computers
Driving Component-Based Software Development through Quality Modeling
DVM-подход к автоматизации разработки параллельных программ для кластеров
Dynamic Development and Refinement of HyperMedia Documents
Dynamics of Software Development
ECOOP 2008 - Object Oriented Programming: Proc./22nd European Conference. Paphos, Cyprus, July 2008
ECSCW 91 Developers Workshop
Effects of Software Process in Organization Development - A Case Study
Ein interaktives und syntaxorientiertes Eingabesystem fur algebraische Spezifikationen. Band I
Ein objektorientiertes Metamodell fur die Software-Entwicklung
Ein tatigkeitstheoretischer Ansatz zur Entwicklung von brauchbarer Software
Electronic Government: Proc./7th International Conference, EGOV 2008. Turin, Italy, August/September 2008
Eliciting Software Process Models with the E3 Language
Eliminating Over-Confidence in Software Development Effort Estimates
Embedded Software and Systems: Revised Selected Papers/First International Conference, ICESS 2004. Hangzhou, China, December 2004
Embedded Systems Design: The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development
Empirical Evaluation of Agile Software Development: The Controlled Case Study Approach
Empirically Driven Design of Software Development Processes for Wireless Internet Services
Empirically Guided Software Development Using Metric-Based Classification Trees
Engineering Environment-Mediated Multi-Agent Systems: Selected Revised and Invited Papers/International Workshop, EEMMAS 2007. Dresden, Germany, October 2007
Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, EMAS 2014, Paris, France, May 2014
Engineering Societies in the Agents World IX: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Workshop, ESAW 2008, Saint-Etienne, France, September 2009
Engineering Societies in the Agents World VII: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/7th International Workshop, ESAW 2006. Dublin, Ireland, September 2006
Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era: Proc./15th International Conference, ICWE 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlandsm June 2015
Engineers Don t Build
Enhancing Parallelism by Removing Cyclic Data Dependencies
Enriching the Software Development Process by Formal Methods
Enterprise Grid Computing
ESA- An Expert Supported OOA Method and Tool
Esprit BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCoS Interim Deliverable
Estimating Web Development Effort using Analogy
Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing Workshops: Revised Selected Papers/Euro-Par 2015 International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, August 2015
Evaluating Emerging Software Development Technologies: Lessons Learned from Assessing Aspect-Oriented Programming
Evaluating Hypermedia and Learning: Merthods and Results from the Perseus Project
Evaluating Information Systems Development Methods: A New Framework
Evaluating Software Development Objectively
Evaluating Workflow and Process Automation in Wide-Area Software Development
Evaluation of Vendor Products: CASE Tools as Methodology Companions
Evolution of Distributed Java Programs
Evolving to Objects - The Witches Brew
Exceptions in OO Languages: Using Them and Reasoning about Them
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