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Связанные издания:
Solving Software Challenges for Exascale: Revised Selecte Papers/ International Conference on Exascale Applications and Software, EASC 2014, Stockhalm, Sweden, April 2014
Spatial Information Theory: Proc./8th International Conference, COSIT 2007. Melbourne, Australia, September 2007
Speaker Classification I: Fundamentals, Features, and Methods
SPLASH: Stanford Parallel Applications for Shared-Memory
SQL Server 6.0 - уникальное приложение для Windows NT
SQLWindows - среда разработки приложений "клиент/сервер"
STACS 2005: Proc./22nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. Stuttgart, Germany, February 2005
STAR - A Multimedia Database System for Trademark Registration
StateWebCharts: A Formal Description Technique Dedicated to Navigation Modeling of Web Applications
Static Analysis of Interaction Nets for Distributed Implementations
Static Communications in Parallel Scientific Programs
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications: Proc./4th International Symposium, SAGA 2007. Zurich, Switzerland, September 2007
Strategy for Database Application Evolution: The DB-MAIN Approach
String Processing and Information Retrieval: Proc./13th International Conference, SPIRE 2006. Glasgow, UK, October 2006
String Processing and Information Retrieval: Proc./14th International Symposium, SPIRE 2007. Santiago, Chile, October 2007
String Processing and Information Retrieval: Proc./23rd International Symposium, SPIRE 2016, Beppu, Japan, October 2016
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Proc./Joint IAPR International Workshop, SSPR&SPR 2008. Orlando, USA, December 2008
Success and Failure of Expert Systems in Different Fields of Industrial Application
Support for Information Sharing in CSCW Based on Causally and Totally Ordered Group Communication
Supporting Continuous Media in Open Distributed Systems Architectures
Supporting Cooperative Applications
Supporting the application of Situated Cellular Agents in non-uniform spaces
Surfaces from Contours
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Conference, SEMCCO 2014, Bhubaneswar, India, December 2014
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Conference, SEMCCO 2015, Hyderabad, India, December 2015
Switching and Learning in Feedback Systems: Revised Lectures and Selected Papers: European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control. Maynooth, Ireland, September 2003
Symbiotic Interaction: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, Symbiotic 2016, Padua, Italy, September 2016
Symbiotic Interaction: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Workshop, Symbiotic 2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, December 2017
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./8th European Conference, ECSQARU 2005. Barcelona, Spain, July 2005
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./9th European Conference, ECSQUARU 2007. Hammamet, Tunisia, October/November 2007
Symbolic verification method for definite iterations over tuples of altered data structures
Synthesis of Web Sites from High Level Descriptions
Systems Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - ARCS 2005: Proc./18th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems. Innsbruck, Austria, March 2005
Systems Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications: Revised Selected Papers/Third Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2004. Jeju Island, Korea, October 2004
System Support for Partition-Aware Network Applications
Tackling Society s Grand Challenges with Design Science: Proc./11th International Conference, DESRIST 2016, St.John s,NL,Canada, May 2016
Techniques for Increasing Performance of CORBA Parallel Distributed Applications
Technologies for Building Intelligent Web Applications based on JULIA Toolkit
Technologies for E-Services: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, TES 2004. Toronto, Canada, August 2004
Telecommunication Research in Information Systems an Investigation of the Literature
Temporal Database Technology for Air Traffic Flow Management
Term Rewriting and Applications: Proc./16th International Conference, RTA 2005. Nara, Japan, April 2005
Term Rewriting and Applications: Proc./17th International Conference, RTA 2006. Seattle, WA, USA, August 2006
Term Rewriting and Applications: Proc./18th International Conference, RTA 2007. Paris, France, June 2007
Test-Driven Web Application Development in Java
Testing of Communicating Systems: Proc./IFIP TC6 11th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS 98). August 31 - September 2, 1998, Tomsk, Russia
Testing of Service-Oriented Architectures- A Practical Approach
Testing of Software and Communicating Systems: Proc./20th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1 Intl Conf., TestCom 2008 & 8th Intl WS FATES 2008. Tokyo, Japan, June 2008
Testing Smalltalk Applications
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./22nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2010, Natal, Brazil, November 2010
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