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Связанные издания:
Abstracts of CHI 91 Interactive Posters and Short Talks
A Case-Based Architecture for a Dialogue Manager for Information-Seeking Processes
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Workshop, ADMI 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011
An Agenda for Human-Computer Interaction: Science and Engineering Serving Human Needs
An Experimental Approach to Teaching Students About Usability and HCI
Assisted Mathematics: the Case of Discrete Probabilities
Comfort and Experience with Computing: Are They the Same for Women and Men
Creating a Design Science of Human-Computer Interaction
Current Human-Computer Interaction Research: An Antology of Recent Papers/Ed. by K.Wait
Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony: Revised Selected Papers/Second COST 2102 International Training School, Dublin, Ireland, March 2009
Discovery Science: Proc./13th International Conference, DS 2010, Canberra, Australia, October 2010
Fitts Law as a Design Artefact: A Paradigm Case of Theory in Software Design
HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodaly and Intelligence: Proc./22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020
HICOM: humans talk to computers talk to humans
Human Communications Issues in Advanced UIs
Human-Computer Interaction: Proc./The East-West 5th International Conference, EWHCI 95. Moscow, Russia, July 4-7, 1995
Human Computer Interaction: Proc./Vienna Conf., VCHCI 93, Fin de Siecle. Vienna, Austria, September 1993
Human-Computer Interaction: Selected Papers/4th Intern. Conf., EWHCI 94. St.Petersburg, Russia, August 1994
Human-Computer Interaction: What about Teaching and Training?
Human Engineering in the Real World
HuMaNet: An experimental Human-Machine Communications Network Based on ISDN Wideband Audio
Human Interaction with Intelligent Systems: An Overview and Bibliography
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: Proc./12th International Conference, HAIS 2017, La Rioja, Spain, June 2017
Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions: Proc./5th International Conference, IPCAI 2014, Fukuoka, Japan, June 2014
Information Retrieval and Comprehension in Humans and Computers
Interface an Envolving Concept
Introduction: Human-Computer Interaction mini-theme
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Part II: Proc./8th International Conference, KES 2004. Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004
Knowledge of Command Usage In a Spreadsheet Program
L utilisation de LISP dans la personnalisation des gestionnaires de fenetres
Making Use a Design Representation
Multimodal Analyses enabiling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, MA3HMI 2014 Held in Conjunction with INTERSPEECH 2014, Singapore, September 2014
Multimodal Numan-Computer Communication: Systems, Techniques, and Experiments
Positive Effects of Sound Feedback During the Operation of a Plant Simulator
Psychology and Information
Rapport D Activite 1990. Annexe Technique. Programme 3. Intelligence artificielle, Systemes cognitifs et Interaction homme-machine
Rapport d activites scientifiques 1988-1991/Laboratoire de Genie Informatique
Retrieving Software Objects in an Example-Based Programming Environment
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./25th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2013
TestIt: An Automated Evaluation Tool for Human-Computer Interacion Projects
The First Moscow International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction
Three Implications of Spatial Access to Online Information
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction:Intelligent and Ubiquitous Interaction Environments: Part II: Proc./5th Intl Conf. UAHCI 2009, part of HCI Intl 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009
Usability Now! IT and the User Working Together
User and Organisational Requirements: Meeting the Need
User Interface Session
Visualizing Objects: Methods for Exploring Human Computer Interaction Concepts
Губит людей не пиво
Исследование вопросов речевого управления в системах оперативного взаимодействия человека и машины
Исследование некоторых вопросов повышения качества передачи визуальной информации с помощью индикаторов индивидуального пользования в системе человек-машина
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