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Связанные издания:
Compiler Support to Customize the Mark and Sweep Algorithm
Compiler Synthesis of Task Graphs for Parallel Program Performance Prediction
Compiler Techniques for Concurrent Multithreading with Hardware Speculation Support
Compiler Techniques for Flat Neighborhood Networks
Compiler Transformation of Pointers to Explicit Array Accesses in DSP Applications
Compile Time Optimization of Memory and Register Usage on the Cray 2
Compiling a Rule Database Program into a C/SQL Application
Compiling Convenience +
Compiling Dataflow Analysis of Logic Programs
Compiling Dynamic Mapping with Array Copies
Compiling Erlang to Scheme
Compiling for a Hybrid Programmng Model Using the LMAD Representation
Compiling for Dataflow Software Pipelining
Compiling FX on the CM-2
Compiling Haskell by Program Transformation: A Report from the Trenches
Compiling PLAN to SNAP
Compiling Standard ML to Java Bytecodes
Compilling Nested Data-Parallel Programs for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Comprehensive Redundant Load Elimination for the IA-64 Architecture
Computer Aided Verification, Part II: Proc./29th International Conference, CAV 2017, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2017
Computer Aided Verification, Part I: Proc./30th International Conference, CAV 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018
Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments: Proc./Third Intern. Symp., ISCOPE 99. San Francisco, CA, USA, December 1999
Connection Analysis: A Practical Interprocedural Heap Analysis for C
Construction of Verified Compiler Front-Ends with Program-Checking
Context-Insensitive Alias Analysis Reconsidered
Context-Sensitive Interprocedural Points-to Analysis in the Presence of Function Pointers
Contribution to Goodenough s and Gerhart s Theory of Software Testing and Verification: Relation between Strong Compiler Test and Compiler Implementation Verification
Cool: A Control-flow Generator for System Analysis
Cool: A Portable Project for Teaching Compiler Construction
Copy Elimination for Parallelizing Compilers
Corpus-based Static Branch Prediction
Cosy Compiler Phase Embedding with the COSY Compiler Model
Current Status of the SUIF Research Project
Customization: Optimizing Compiler Technology for SELF, a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language
Cyclic Reference Counting with Lazy Mark-scan
Data and Computation Transformations for Multiprocessors
Data Compatibility in a Heterogeneous Processor Environment
Data Dependence and Data-Flow Analysis of Arrays
Data Distribution and Loop Parallelization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Data Distribution at Run-Time: Re-using Execution Plans
Data Distribution Support on Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Data Structure Free Compilation
Debugging Eli-Generated Compilers with Noosa
Debugging of Globally Optimized Programs Using Data Flow Analysis
Delegating Compiler Objects - An Object-Oriented Approach to Crafting Compilers
Delinearization: an Efficient Way to Break Multiloop Dependence Equations
Demand-Driven Construction of Call Graphs
Dependence Driven Execution for Data Parallelism
Design and Implementation of a Retargetable ALDES Compiler
Designing a Parallel Object-Oriented Compiler Target Language (TOOL)
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