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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Analyzing Direct Non-Local Dependencies in Attribute Grammars
An Attrubuted ELL(1)-Parser Generator
Another Kind of Modular Attribute Grammars
An Overview of Door Attribute Grammars
A Parallel Evaluation of Attribute Grammars by Means of Actors
Application Development with the FNC-2 Attribute Grammar System
Application Development with the FNC-2 Attrubute Grammar System
Attribute Abstraction
Attributed Document Grammars
Attribute-Directed Top-Down Parsing
Attributed Tree Grammars
Attribute Evaluation after Recovery from Syntax Error
Change Management and Consistency Maintenance in Software Development Environments Using Object Oriented Attribute Grammars
Compiler Structure Engineering With Attribute Grammars
Context-free hypergraph grammars have the same term-generating power as attribute grammars
Coupling Evaluators for Attribute Coupled Grammars
Declarative Program Transformation: A Deforestation Case-Study
Decompilation is the Efficient Enumeration of Types
Dynamic Attribute Grammars
Engineering Transformations of Attributed Grammars in Prolog
Evaluation Recursive Grammaires Attribuees deux Impalantations
Floating Point Attributes in Ada
Flow Logics for Constraint Based Analysis
Forwarding in Attribute Grammars for Modular Language Design
GUARDED ATTRIBUTE GRAMMARS Top Down Parsing and Left Recursive Productions
Implementing Attribute Grammars by Computational Models
Improving Editing Environments by Integrating Attribute Grammars and Relations
Inductive Attribute Grammars. A Basis for Incremental Program Execution
Integrated Graphic Environment to Develop Applications based on Attribute Grammars
MATE - A Metasystem with Concurrent Attribute Evaluation
MATE- A Metasystem with Concurrent Attribute Evaluation
Meta-Generation of Incremental and Graphical Structure-Oriented Editors
Mixed Dialigue Control Defined by an Attribute Grammar
Mixed Dialogue Control Defined By an Attrubute Grammar
Mixed Strategy Implementation of Attribute Grammars
Modularity and Reusability in Attribute Grammars
On Extended Attribute Grammars
PAGODE: A back end generator using attribute abstract syntaxes and Term rewriting
PAGODE: a back end generator using attribute abstract syntaxes and term rewritings
PAGODE: Un meta-generateur de code utilisant les syntaxes abstraites attribuees et la reecriture des termes
Programmation logique et Grammaires d attributs
Programming Languages Specification and Prototyping Using the MAX System
Recursive Evaluation of Attrubute Grammars: Two Implementations
Relating Logic Programs and Attribute Grammars
Rewritable Reference Attributed Grammars
Rie and Jun: Towards the Generation of all Compiler Phases
Rie and Jun: Towards the Generation of all Computer Phases
Simplification of NIAM through Attribute Absorption
Specification and Implementation of Grammar Couplings using Attribute Grammars
Speeding up Parallelism Detection for Attribute Grammars
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