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Связанные издания:
A Bounds Inference Method for Vector-Based Memoization
About primitive recursive algorithms
A Broader Class of Trees for Recursive Type Definitions for HOL
A Case Study: Parallel Program Development for a Recursive Numerical Algorithm
Accurate Shape Analysis for Recursive Data Structures
A Complete Type Inference System for Subtyped Recursive Types
A Formal Framework for the Analysis of Recursive-Parallel Programs
A General Theorem on Termination of Rewriting
Alias Types for Recursive Data Structures
A List of Successes That Can Change the World: Essays Dedicated to Philip Wadler on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
An Analog Characterization of Elementary Computable Functions over the Real Numbers
A New Approach to Recursion Removal
An Overview of Parallel Strategies for Transitive Closure on Algebraic Machines
Answering Cooperative Recursive Queries in Web Federated Databases
A Parallelization Framework for Recursive Tree Programs
A Recursive Second Order Initial Algebra Specification of Primitive Recursion
Arithmetic for Parallel Linear Recursive Query Evaluation in Deductive Databases
A Search for Good Multiple Recursive Random Number Generators
A Self-interpreter of lambda Calculus Having a Normal Form
A Taxonomy of Recursive Relationships and Their Structural Validity in ER Modeling
A Transformation Method for Dynamic-Sized Tabulation
A User s Friendly Syntax to Define Recursive Functions as Typed Lambda-terms
Automatic Compiler-Inserted Prefetching for Pointer-Based Applications
Automatic Generation of Compiled Forms for Linear Recursions
Axiomatising Uniform Properties of Recursive Data Structures
Calculational Derivation of a Counter with Bounded Response Time
Circular Pipeline: Analysis and Performance Evaluation
Codifying guarded definitions with recursive schemes
Co-Learning of Recursive Languages from Positive Data
Compiler-Based Prefetching for Recursive Data Structures
Compiling Syntactically Recursive Programs
Computer Science Logic: Proc./23rd International Workshop, CSL 2009, 18th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2009
Computing in Unpredictable Environments: Semantics, Reduction Strategies, and Program Transformations
Conductive Axiomatization of Recursive Type Equality and Subtyping
Datalog Automata
Decidable Containment of Recursive Queries
Efficient Parallelization of Recursive Problems Using Constructive Recursion
Efficient Type Matching
Equality-Based Flow Analysis versus Recursive Types
Equivalent Transformations of Recursion Schemes and Admissible Rewriting Rule Systems
Evaluation of Regular Nonlinear Recursions by Deductive Database Techniques
Evaluation of Upper Bounds and Least Nodes as Database Operations
Evaluation Recursive Grammaires Attribuees deux Impalantations
Exploring Load Balancing in Parallel Processing of Recursive Queries
Formal Derivation of SIMD Parallelism from Non-Linear Recursive Specifications
Generalised Recursive Descent Parsing and Follow-Determinism
Genetic Programming: Proc./18th European Conference, EuroGP 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2015
Genetic Programming: Proc./19th European Conference, EuroGP 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 2016
Graph-Based Processing of Logic Programs
Higher-Order Value Flow Graphs
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