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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Restoring Consistent Global States of Distributed Computation
Reverse Execution of Programs
Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing: Selected Results of the COST Action IC1405
Reversible Computation: Proc./13th International Conference, RC 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Reversible Computation: Revised Papers/3rd International Workshop, RC 2011, Gent, Belgium, July 2011
Risk Assessment and Risk-Driven Quality Assurance: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, RISK 2016 Held in Conjunction with ICTSS 2016, Graz, Austria, October 2016
ROS: The Rollback-One-Step Method to Minimize the Waiting Time during Debugging Long-Running Parallel Programs
Runtime Verification: Proc./19th International Conference, RV 2019, Porto, Portugal, October 2019
Runtime Verification: Proc./5th International Conference, RV 2014, Toronto,ON,Canada, September 2014
Runtime Verification: Proc./First International Conference, RV 2010, St.Julians, Malta, November 2010
Search-Tree Visualization
Sequence-Based Global Predicates for Distributed Computations: Definitions and Detection Algorithms
Simplifying Failure-Inducing Input
Slicing Programs with Arbitrary Control-Flow
Soft-ICE/W: не только отладка программ
Software Analysis, Testing, and Evolution: Proc./8th International Conference, SATE 2018, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, November 2018
Software Composition: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Symposium, SC 2007. Braga, Portugal, March 2007
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: Proc./12th International Conference, SEFM 2014, Grenoble, France, September 2014
Software Support for Parallel Computing: Where Are We Headed?
Software Visualization for Debugging
Source Level Debugging of Automatically Parallelized Code
Source-Level Debugging of Scalar Optimized Code
Source-Level for Multiple Languages with Modest Programming Effort
Specifying and Debugging Security Protocols via Hereditary Harrop Formulas and LambdaProlog - A Case-study
Static Analysis: Proc./15th International Symposium, SAS 2008. Valencia, Spain, July 2008
Static Analysis: Proc./21st International Symposium, SAS 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2014
Static Analysis: Proc./26th International Symposium, SAS 2019, Porto, Portugal, October 2019
Static Analysis: Proc./27th International Symposium,, SAS 2020, Virtual Event, November 2020
Static Detection of Dynamic Memory Errors
Static Slicing in the Presence of Goto Statements
Static Slicing of Threaded Programs
Structure and Chance: Melding Logic and Probability for Software Debugging
Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and Method: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, SOFL+MSVL 2015, Paris, France, November 2015
Summary of ACM/ONR Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging
Summary of ACM/ONR Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging. May 20-22, 1991, Santa Crus, California, USA
Survey of Expert Critiquing Systems: Practical and Theoretical Frontiers
Systematic Debugging of Parallel Programs in DIWIDE Based on Collective Breakpoints and Macrosteps
Teaching Formal Methods: Proc./Second International Conference, TFM 2009. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2009
Techniques for Debugging Parallel Programs with Flowback Analysis
Temporal Debugging and its Visual Animation
Temporal Debugging for Concurrent Systems
Testing - Practice and Research Techniques: Proc./5th International Academic and Industrial Conference, TAIC PART 2010, Windsor, UK, September 2010
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 2014
Tests and Proofs: Proc./11th International Conference, TAP 2017 Held as Part of STAF 2017, Marburg, Germany, July 2017
Tests and Proofs: Proc./8th International Conference, TAP 2014 Held as Part of STAF 2014, York, UK, July 2014
The Application of Formal Specifications to Software Documentation and Debugging
The Ariadne Debugger: Scalable Application of Event-Based Abstraction
The Distributed Hardware Monitor ZM4 and its Interface to MEMSY
The Location of Errors in Functional Programs
Theoretical Foundations for the Declarative Debugging of Lazy Functional Logic Programs
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