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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Fine-Grain Sort Discipline and its Application to Formal Program Construction
A Guide to Sorting on the Mesh-connected Processor Array
Algebraic Calculation of Graph and Sorting Algorithms
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Part I: Proc./10th International Conference, ICA3PP 2010, Busan, Korea, May 2010
Algorithms and Computation: Proc./8th Internatiomal Workshop, WALCOM 2014, Chennai, India, February 2014
Algorithms - ESA 2013: Proc./21st Annual European Symposium, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2013
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Proc./4th International Workshop, WABI 2004. Bergen, Norway, September 2004
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2006: Proc./10th International Workshop on Algorithm Theory. Riga, Latvia, July 2006
A "Linear Logic" Quicksort
A Multiprocessor Using Protocol-Based Programming Primitives
A Multiway Merge Sorter for Sorting of Large Databases
An Algebraic Treatment of Sorting
Analytic Variations on Bucket Selection and Sorting
An Analysis and Implementation of an Efficient In-place Bucket Sort
An Automatic Selection Method of Key Search Algorithms Based on Expert Knowledge Bases
A New Sort Algorithm: Self-Indexed Sort
An Experiment in Vernacular Program Derivation
An optimal parallel adaptive sorting algorithm
A Note on Conway s Parallel Sorting Algorithm
A Note on Slowing Quicksort
A Novel Sorting Array Processor
A Polymorphic Sort System for Axiomatic Specification Languages
A space efficient distributive sort
A Stream AND-Parallel Execution Algorithm with Backtracking
A Survey of Adaptive Sorting Algorithms
Asymptotic Expansions of the Mergesoft Recurrences
A Tree-Based Mergesort
Average Case Analysis When Merging Two Ordered Lists of Different Length
Bulk Synchronous Parallel: Practical Experience with a Model for Parallel Computing
Case Study: Memory Conscious Parallel Sorting
Computation, Logic, Games, and Quantum Foundations: The Many Facets of Samson Abramsky: Essays Dedicated to Samson Abramsky on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Defining Soft Sortedness by Abstract Interpretation
Distributing a Class of Sequential Programs
Does Transitivity Help? On the Complexity of Poset Properties
Dynamically-Typed Computations for Order-Sorted Equational Presentations
Experimental Algorithms: Proc./8th International Symposium, SEA 2009, Dortmund, Germany, June 2009
Fast Merging and Sorting on a Partitioned Optical Passive Stars Network
Fishspear: A Priority Queue Algorithm
Foundations for Faster External Sorting
Generalized Topological Sorting in Linear Time
General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics
How to Use Modalities and Sorts in Prolog
Improved Parallel Sorting of Presorted Sequences
Increasing the Efficiency of Existing Sorting Algorithms by Using Randomized Wrappers
Innovative Schaltunstechnik statt Software- SHUFFLE SORT: VLSI-Beispiel eines Sortierers
Integrating Static and Dynamic Sort Checking in Logic Programming
Intelligent backtracking for CLP languages. An application to CLP (R)
Introduction to Algorithms
Logic Programming with Functions over Order-Sorted Feature Terms
Massaging Heapsort into an Optimal Disk Sorting Algorithm
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