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Algorithms - ESA 2015: Proc./23rd Annual European Symposium, Patras, Greece, September 2015
A Logical Denotational Semantics for Constraint Logic Programming
Ambiguity for Referential Integrity Is Undecidable
A Meta-model Facility for a Family of UML Constraint Languages
A Metamodel for OCL
A Method for Automatic Rule Derivation to Support Semantic Query Optimization
A Method of Constraint Propagation Applied to Planning Route in GIS
An Abstract Machine for Oz
An Algebra of Petri Nets with Arc-Based Time Restrictions
An Algorithm to Compute Inner Approximations of Relations for Interval Constraints
Analysing the Impact of Adding Integrity Constraints to Information Systems
Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint Programming: Constraint Debugging
Analysis of Constraint Logic Programs
Analysis of Imperative Programs through Analysis of Constraint Logic Programs
Analyzing and Debugging Hierarchies of Multi-Way Local Propagation Constraints
An Analysis of SQL Integrity Constraints from an Entity-Relationship Model Perspective
An Architecture for Cooperating Constraint Solvers on Reals
An Architecture for Exporting Environment Awareness to Mobile Computing Applications
An architecture for workflow scheduling under resource allocation constraints
An Assertion Language for Constraint Logic Programs
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Presburger Arithmetic Constraints (Extended Abstract)
An Efficient Algorithm of Logic Programming with Constraint Hierarchy
A New Type Checking Approach for OCL Version 2.0?
An Extended Algebra for Constraint Databases
An Extended Transformation System for CLP Programs
An Informal and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Semantic Constraints Using Sample Data and Natural Language Processing
An Informal Introduction to Constraint Database Systems
An Operational Semantics of Starlog
An Operator for Composing Deductive Data Bases with Theories of Constraints
An Optimizing Compiler for CLP (R)
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Proc./5th International Workshop, ANTS 2006. Brussels, Belgium, September 2006
A Perspective of Constraint-Based Reasoning
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1997: Proc./18th Intern. Conf., ICATPN 97. Toulouse, France, June 1997
Application Development with the CHIP System
Application of Constraint Logic Programming for VLSI CAD Tools
Application of Subdefinite Models for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Applications in Constraint Logic Programming with Strings
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Revised Selected Papers/17th Intl Conference, INAP 2007 & 21st Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2007. Wuerzburg, Germany, October 2007
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Revised Selected Papers/19th International Conference, INAP 2011 and 25th Workshop on LP, WLP 2011, Vienna, Austria, September 2011
Applying Constraint Databases in the Determination of Potential Minimal Conflicts to Polynomial Model-Based Diagnosis
Applying Transition Rules to Bitemporal Deductive Databases for Integrity Constraint Checking
A Practical Approach to the Global Analysis of CLP Programs
A Prolog like temporal reasoning system
A Propos des redondances dans les systems d inequations lineaires
A Propositional Logic-Based Mehtod for Verification of Feature Models
A Pure Meta-interpretator for Flat GHC, a Concurrent Constraint Language
A Reactive Constraint Logic Programming Scheme
A Rewrite Approach for Constraint Logic Programming
A Rewrite Mechanism for Logic Programs with Negation
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: Proc./7th International Conference, AISC 2004. Linz, Austria, September 2004
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