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Связанные издания:
1st Grade - A System for Implementation, Testing and Animation of Graph Algorithms
50 советов по работе с текстовыми процессорами
A Bold New Look for Word Processing
A COTS Based Product Line Architecture for Generating Design Editors
A Friendly Data Flow Programming Environments
A Graphical System for Representing Activities
An Empirical Investigation of Menu Gesign in Language-based Editors
An Introduction to LATEX
An Object-Based Modular CPN Approach: Its Application to the Specification of a Cooperative Editing Environment
Automatic Generation of Editors for Higher-Order Data Structures
A VDM-SL Specification for the vi Pattern Matcher
A Visual Test Development Environment for GUI Systems
CADdy: использование для муниципального планирования и кадастра
CL - An Editor the CLi6000 Field Programmable Gate Array and Its Implementation
CL-Editor User Manual
CUA: компоненты пользовательского интерфейса
Decrire le developpement d un programme: un exemple
DefEdit: недостаю ее звено
Design TM - "Petri Net Editor" for the Macintosh
Direct Manipulation, Scalability and the Internet
Document Formatting Systems: Survey, Concept, and Issues
EcrinsDesign: A Graphical Editor for Semantic Structures
EDGE: An Extendible Graph Editor
Edition de Documents Multi-Langages sous Mentor-Rapport
Ein Editor Fuer Unparsing Schemes
Ein Editor fur NF2 Tabellen
Experiences Using the ParaScope Editor: An Interactive Parallel Programming Tool
FOXPRO! Боевик из жизни программ
FrameMaker 4: больше цветов и сетевых возможностей
Generating Editors for Direct Manipulation of Diagrams
Graphical Representation and Manipulation of Complex Structures Based on a Formal Model
Hector: Connecting Words with Definitions
Hierarchical Graph Design Using HiGraD
HTML-редакторы. Лучшие из лучших
Inferring 3-Dimensional Constraints with DEVI
Inferring Graphical Constraints with Rockit
INTELTEXT: Producting Coherent Linear Texts While Navigating in Large Non-Hierarchical Hypertexts
Interactive Editing Systems: Part 1
Interactive Editing Systems: Part II
Knowledge Acquisition via a Graphical Interface
Leonardo: A Framework for Modeling and Editing Graphical Components
LISA: An Interactive Environment for Programming Language Development
LRNL(1): LR(1) with Nonterminal Lookaheads and Its Implication on Incremental Parsing
Mechanized Support for Stepwise Refinement
Meta-Generation of Incremental and Graphical Structure-Oriented Editors
Microsoft FrontPage 2000
Microsoft Word 2000 Language Reference
Netscape Communicator как редактор HTML
ODA/ODIF- A Standard Format for Complex Electronic Documents
OZ: A Syntax Generation Editor
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