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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Daibutsu-den: A Component-Based Framework for Organizational Process Asset Utilization
Database Research at IPSI
Design Assistance for Complex Information Systems
Design by Walking Around
Design Measurement: Some Lessons Learned
Determinants of MIS Employees Turnover Intentions: A Structural Equation Model
Development Process Audits and Reviews
Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Effective Software Project Management Education through Simulation Models: An Externally Replicated Experiment
Effort Estimation Using Analogy
Eine objekt-orientierte Sprache fur die Modellierung von Software-Prozessen
Engineering Software Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System Families - ESAPS Overview
Enhancements in Software Project Risk Management
Enrollment Management: Managing the Alpha AXP Program
EPOCH - European Parallel Operating System based on Chorus
Esprit Basic Research Action 3148 DEMON (Design Methods Based on Nets) - Aims, Scope and Achievements -
Esprit BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCoS Interim Deliverable
ESPRIT BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCos Interim Deliverable
Evolutionary Project Management
Evolving to Objects - The Witches Brew
Experiences in Improving Risk Management Processes Using the Concepts of the Riskit Method
Experiences with CCB-Directed Projects in the Classroom
Experienсеs Applying Methods Supported By CASE Tools
Exploring the Relation between Effort and Duration in Software Engineering Projects
Extending Contraint Satisfaction Problem Solving in Structural Design
FLEX: A Flexible Extension and Integration Concept for Software Development in KORSO and COMPASS
From Analysis to Code Generation: Experiences from an Information Engineering Project Using I-CASE Technology
Fuhrung von Informatikprojecten durch Studentengruppen
Goal Oriented Decomposition - Its Application for Process Modelling in the PIMS Project
Golden Rules for Participating in European Projects
Group Paradigms in Discretionary Access Controls for Object Management Systems
How To Assess a Software Process Modeling Formalism From a Project Member`s Point of View
Improving Validation Activities in a Global Software Development
Industrial-Strength Management Strategies
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Proc./7th International Conference, CPAIOR 2010, Bologna, Italy, June 2010
Introduction to the Theory of Schemes
Issues in Designing Object Management Systems
Is Your Project Ready for Time-to-Market Focus?
Large-Scale Project Management Is Risk Management
Lessons Learned from the OS/400 OO Project
Making a Method Work for a Project Situation in the Context of CMM
Making Customer-Centered Design Work for Teams
Managing an Object-Oriented Project using an Iterative Approach
Managing an R and D Contract with the Government
Managing a Project as a Process
Managing Evolving Requirements Using eXtreme Programming
Managing Iteration in OO Projects
Managing Large Software Projects
Managing Organizational Handoffs with Empowered Teams
Managing Quality and Quality Improvement
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