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Связанные издания:
A Behavioral Notion of Subtyping for Object-Oriented Programming in SPARK95
A Broader Class of Trees for Recursive Type Definitions for HOL
Abstract Behavior Types: A Foundation Model for Components and Their Composition
Abstract Polymorphism and Code Reuse
Achieving Type Safety for Low-Level Code
A Compilation Scheme for a Hierarchy of Array Types
A Complete Type Inference System for Subtyped Recursive Types
A Controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of Procedure Argument Type Checking
A Core Calculus of Classes and Mixins
Activity Specification Using Rendezvous
ACTS: A Type System for Object-Oriented Programming Based on Abstract and Concrete Classes
Ada 9X Protected Types in Pascal-FC
Adding Apples and Oranges
Adding Genericity to Object-Oriented ASMS
Adding Type Parameterization to the Java Language
A Decidable Intersection Type System Based on Relevance
A Deductive and Typed Object-Oriented Language
A Delegation-based Object Calculus with Subtyping
A Dependently Typed Ambient Calculus
A Direct Algorithm for Type Inference in the Rank-2 Fragment of the Second-Order -Calculus
A Formal Framework for the Java Bytecode Language and Verifier
A Formal Semantics for a Language with Type Extension
A Framework for Analysis of Typed Logic Programs
A Framework for Type Inference with Subtyping
A Functional System with Transfinitely Defined Types
A Generic Strong Normalization Argument: Application to the Calculus of Constructions
A Gentle Introduction to Haskell
A Lambda Calculus of Objects with Self-Inflicted Extension
A Lazy Narrowing Calculus for Functional Logic Programming with Algebraic Polymorphic Types
Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order-Sorted Types
Algebraic specification of dynamic objects
Algebraic Specifications, Higher-Order Types, and Set-Theoretic Models
Alias Types
Alias Types for Recursive Data Structures
A List of Successes That Can Change the World: Essays Dedicated to Philip Wadler on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
A Method for Fortran Programs Reverse Engineering Using Algebraic Specifications
A Model Using Classes as a Basic Organization Tool
A Modular, Polyvariant, and Type-Based Closure Analysis
A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces
An Algebraic Approach to Databases with Complex Objects
An Algebraic Characterization of Typability in ML with Subtyping
An Algebraic Framework for Separate Type-Checking
An Algorithm for Checking Incomplete Proof Objects in Type Theory with Localization and Unification
Analogical Type Theory
Analysing Resource Use in the -calculus by Type Inference
Analysis of a Guard Condition in Type Theory
Analysis of Downward Closed Properties of Logic Programs
Analysis of UML Stereotypes within the UML Metamodel
An Analysis of ML Typability
An Analysis of the Core-ML Language: Expressive Power and Type Reconstruction
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