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Связанные издания:
Simplifying subtyping constraints
Sized Types for Typing Eden Skeletons
Soft Typing with Conditional Types
Sound and Decidable Type Inference for Functional Dependencies
Sound Polymorphic Type Inference for Objects
Specification and Verification of a Formal System for Structurally Recursive Functions
Specification of a Smart Card Operating System
Specifications and Their Use in Defining Subtypes
Specification Structures and Propositions-as-Types for Concurrency
Specifying Type Systems
Stack-Based Typed Assembly Language
Staged Notational Definitions
Static Analysis: Proc./23rd International Symposium, SAS 2016, Edinburgh, UK, September 2016
Static Type Checking and Method Lookup in Plop!
Static Typing
Static Typing for Dynamic Messages
Storing Properties in Grouped Tagged Tuples
Strictness and Totality Analysis
Strongly Typed Flow-Directed Representation Transformations
Strong Normalization in a Non-Deterministic Typed Lambda-Calculus
Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk in a Production Environment
Structuring Specifications in-the-Large and in-the-Small: Higher-Order Functions, Dependent Types and Inheritance in SPECTRAL
Subsumption for XML Types
Subtypes for Specifications
Subtypes vs. Where Clauses: Constraining Parametric Polymorphism
Subtyping Dependent Types
Subtyping Is Not a Good "Match" for Object-Oriented Languages
Subtyping Recursive Types
Subtyping with Singleton Types
Subtyping with Union Types, Interaction Types and Recursive Types
Support for Value Types in an Object-Oriented Programming Language
Syntactic Categories in the Language of Mathematics
System E: Expansion Variables for Flexible Typing with Linear and Non-linear Types and Intersection Types
System F and Abstract Interpretation
Tag-Free Garbage Collection Using Explicit Type Parameters
Taming Effects with Monadic Typing
Template Instantiation For C++
Temporal Object-Oriented Programming
The ALF Proof Editor and Its Proof Engine
The Cartesian Product Algorithm. Simple and Precise Type Inference of Parametric Polymorphism
The Completion of Typed Logic Programs and SLDNF-Resolution
The Complexity of Type Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs
The Correctness of Type Specialisation
The Generic Development Language Deva. Presentation and Case Studies
The MAGICA Type Inference Engine for MATLAB
The Metatheory of UTT
The Non-deterministic Catch and Throw Mechanism and Its Subject Reduction Property
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: Third Intern. Symp., TACS 97. Sendai, Japan, September 1997
Theories = Signatures + Propositions Used as Types
Theory Interpretation in Simple Type Theory
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