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Связанные издания:
Changing Data Structures in Type Thoery: A Study of Natural Numbers
Channel Dependent Types for Higher-Order Mobile Processes
Characterization of Type Hierarchies with Open Specification
C - HASKELL, or Yet Another Interfacing Tool
Checking Algorithms for Pure Type Systems
Classical Type Theory
Closure Under Alpha-Conversion
Codifying guarded definitions with recursive schemes
Coercive Subtyping in Type Theory
CoffeeStrainer: Ctratically-Checked Constraints on the Definition and Use of Types in Java
Coinductive Interpreters for Process Calculi
Collection Principles in Dependent Type Theory
Communicating Contexts: a Progmatic Approach to Information Exchange
Compact Dispatch Tables for Dynamically Typed Object Oriented Languages
Comparing Cubes
Comparing Models of the Non-Extensional Typed -Calculus
Compatible Genericity with Run-time Types for the JavaTM Programming Language
Compiling High-Level Type Constructors in Constraint Programming
Compiling Java to a Typed Lambda-Calculus: A Preliminary Report
Complete Proof Systems for Algebraic Simply-Typed Terms
Complete Restrictions of the Intersection Type Discipline
Complexity of Concrete Type-Inference in the Presence of Exceptions
Complexity of kernel Fun subtype checking
Compositional Formal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems
Compositional Specification Calculus for Information Systems Development
Compound Types for Java
Comprehension Categories and the Semantics of Type Dependency
Computer Science Logic: Proc./14th Intern. Workshop, CSL 2000, Annual Conf. of the EACSL, Fischbachau, Germany, August 2000
Computer Science Logic: Proc./15th Intern. Workshop, CSL 2001, 10th Annual Conf. of the EACSL, Paris, France, September 2001
Computer Science Logic: Selected Papers/ 8th Workshop, CSL 94, Kazimierz, Poland, September 1994
Concept-Controlled Polymorphism
Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages
Conceptual Graphs and First-Order Logic
Conditional and Typed Rewriting Systems: Proc./4th International Workshop, CTRS-94, Jerusalem, Israel, July 13-15, 1994
Conditional Answers for Polymorphic Type Inference
Conductive Axiomatization of Recursive Type Equality and Subtyping
Confined Types
Conservativity of Equality Reflection over Intensional Type Theory
Constrained Matching is Type Safe
Constraint-Based Polymorphism in Cecil: Towards a Practical and Static Type System
Constraint-Based Type Inference and Parametric Polymorphism
Constructing Polymorphic Programs with Quotient Types
Construction of a Semantic Model for a Typed Assembly Language
Constructive Natural Deduction and Its " -set" Interpretation
Constructivity in Computer Science: Proc./Summer Symposium. San Antonio, TX, June 1991
Constructor Subtyping
Continuation-Based Partial Evaluation without Continuations
Control-Flow Analysis and Type Systems
Coordination Requirements Expressed in Types for Active Objects
Coping with Type Casts in C
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