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Связанные издания:
Covariant Deep Subtyping Reconsidered
Covariant Specification
Cpo s do not form a cpo - but recursion still works
Customization of Java Library Classes using Type Constants and Profile Information
Data Abstraction, Bulk Data and Relations in Database Programming Languages
Debugging via Run-Time Type Checking
Decidability of Higher-Order Subtyping with Intersection Types
Decidability of Type-Checking in the Calculis of Algebraic Constructions with Size Annotations
Decidable Properties of Intersection Type Systems
Deciding Type Equivalence in a Language with Singleton Kinds
Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Revised Selected Papers/ Declarative Programming Days, KDPD 2013, Unifying INAP, WFLP, and WLP, Kiel, Germany, September 2013
Deliverables: A Categorical Approach to Program Development in Type Theory
Demand-Driven Type Inference with Subgoal Pruning: Trading Precision for Scalability
Dependence and Independence Results for (Impredicative) Calculi of Dependent Types
Deriving Algorithms from Type Inference Systems: Application to Strictness Analysis
Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using Multiple Incarnations of Prop
Development Transformation Based on Higher Order Type Theory
Dimension Types
Directional Type Checking for Logic Programs: Beyond Discriminative Types
Directional Type Checking of Logic Programs
Directional Type Inference for Logic Programs
Directional types for logic programs and the annotation method
Distinctness and Sharing Domains for Static Analysis of Java Programs
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Proc./8th International Conference, DAPI 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020
Dynamic Type Information in Process Types
Dynamic Types and Type Dependent Functions
Dynamic Typing as Staged Type Inference
Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language
Dynamic Typing in Polymorphic Languages
ECOOP 2004 - Object-Oriented Programming: Proc./ 18th European Conference. Oslo, Norway, June 2004
Effect Systems with Subtyping
Efficient Inference of Static Types for Java Bytecode
Efficient Type Inclusion Tests
Efficient Type Matching
Efficient Type Reconstruction in the Presence of Inheritance
Elimination of Extensionality in Martin-Lof Type Theory
Encoding Intensional Type Analysis
Encoding Types in ML-like Languages
Encoding Z-style Schemas in Type Theory
Equality-Based Flow Analysis versus Recursive Types
Equational Axiomatization of Bicoercibility for Polymorphic Types
Eta-Expansions in Dependent Type Theory - The Calculus of Constructions
Existential Heap Abstraction Entailment Is Undecidable
Existentially Quantified Procedures: A Mechanism for Abstracting Type in Dynamic Typing Constructs
Existential Types for Imperative Languages
Explaining Polymorphic Types
Exploiting Semantic of Typed Objects Under an Optimistic Control in the Transactional Deferred Update Model: A Promising Approach
Expressing Computational Complexity in Constructive Type Theory
Expressive Synchronization Types for Inheritance in the Join Calculus
Extending Moby with Inheritance-Based Subtyping
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