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Связанные издания:
Proving Java Type Soundness
Proving Strong Normalization of CC by Modifying Realizability Semantics
Pure Type Systems in Rewriting Logic: Specifying Typed Higher-Order Languages in a First-Order Logical Framework
Pure Type Systems with de Bruijn Indices
Pure Type Systems with Definitions
Qualifying Types Illustrated by Synchronization Examples
Reasoning About Concurrent Systems Using Types
Recursive Object Types in a Logic of Object-Oriented Programs
Recursive Types and Pattern-Matching in Java
Reflection for Statically Typed Languages
Reflective Semantics of Constructive Type Theory (Preliminary Report)
Regular Object Types
Regular Types for Active Objects
Relaxing the Constraints on Ada s limited private Types Through Functional Expressions
Removing Value Encoding Using Alternative Values in Partial Evaluation of Strongly-Typed Languages
Replacement Can Preserve Termination
Representation and Manipulation of Data Collections Using Generic Types
Representing Higher-Order Logic Proofs in HOL
Representing Java Classes in a Typed Intermediate Language
Reuse of Results in Termination Analysis of Typed Logic Programs
Runtime Behavior of Conversion Interpretation of Subtyping
Runtime Support for Distributed Sharing in Typed Languages
Run-Time Type Checking for Binary Programs
Run Time Type Information in Mercury
Safe and Decidable Type Checking in an Object-Oriented Language
Safely Extending Procedure Types to Allow Nested Procedures as Values
Satisfiability of Object-Oriented Database Constraints with Set and Bag Attributes
Scalable Certification for Typed Assembly Language
Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization
Second-Order Unification and Type Inference for Church-Style Polymorphism
Secure Information Flow and CPS
Security through Type Analysis
Security Types Preserving Compilation
Security Typings by Abstract Interpretation
Semantic Analysis for Parallelizing C
Semantic Casts: Contracts and Structural Subtyping in a Nominal World
Semantics and Types in Functional Logic Programming
Semantics of Stereotypes for Type Specification in UML: Theory and Practice
Semantics of Type Classes Revisited
Semantic Types: A Fresh Look at the Ideal Model for Types
Semantic Typing for Parametric Algebraic Specifications
Service Trading Using Conceptual Structures
Set-Based Analysis for Logic Programming and Tree Automata
Set-Based Failure Analysis for Logic Programs and Concurrent Constraint Programs
Shapely Types and Shape Polymorphism
Sharing in Typed Module Assembly Language
Should Your Specification Language Be Typed?
Simple Ownership Types for Object Containment
Simple Relational Correctness Proofs for Static Analyses and Program Transformations
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