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Связанные издания:
Advanced Capabilities of the Outer Join
A Gateway from DBPL to Ingres
A Generic Information Retrieval System to Support Interoperability
Aggregation and Composition in Object-Relational Database Design
A Logical Framework for the Specification of Transactions
Analysing an SQL Application with a BSPlib Call-Graph Profiling Tool
An Analysis of SQL Integrity Constraints from an Entity-Relationship Model Perspective
An Approach to Image Retrieval for Image Databases
An Approach to Integrating Query Refinement in SQL
An Experiment in VDM to SQL Translation
An Optimization Method of Data Communication and Control for Parallel Execution of SQL Queries
An Outline of MQL
An SQL extansion supporting user viewpoints
Answering Complex SQL Queries Using Automatic Summary Tables
AP 527: An Oracle SQL- APL2/PC Auxiliary Processor
A Personal and Portable Database Server: the CQL Card
A Point-Based Temporal Extension of SQL
A Relational Model and SQL-like Query Language for Spatial Databases
A semantic approach to optimize linear datalog programs
Aspects of the Automatic Generation of SQL Statements in a Natural Language Query Interface
A SQL-like Query Calculus for Object-Oriented Database Systems
A Survey on Usage of SQL
A Temporal Extension of the Deductive Database System ProQuel
Automated SQL Documentation Using APL2
Benchmarking Parallel SQL Database Machines
CA-Visual Objects - не просто Clipper под Windows
C++ Borland Builder 6: разработка приложений баз данных
Continuous Queries over Append-Only Databases
Control of a Large Massively Parallel Database Machine Using SQL Cataloque Extensions, and A DSDL in Preference to an Operating System
Conversational Querying
Convert Your Microsoft Access Application to Take Advantage of SQL Server 7.0
Database Programming Languages: Proc./12th International Symposium, DBPL 2009, Lyon, France, August 2009
Data Retrieval and Aggregates in SQL/NR
Direct Manipulation of a Data Dictionary with SQL
Duplicates and Translation of Nested SQL Queries into XRA
ESQL: An extended SQL with object and deductive capabilities
Evaluation of High Performance Parallel Database Machines
Exploiting Inter-Operation Parallelism for SQL Query Optimization
Expressive Power of SQL
Extended SQL Support for Uncertain Data
Extending RDBMS for Allowing Fuzzy Quantified Queries
Extending SQL-92 for OODB Access: Design and Implementation Experience
Extending UML for Object-Relational Database Design
Favourite SQL-Statements - An Empirical Analysis of SQL-Usage in Commercial Applications
Formal Semantics of SQL Queries
Generalized MD-Joins: Evaluation and Reduction to SQL
Handling Constraints and Generating Intensional Answers in a Deductive Database System
How to Make SQL Stand for String Query Language
Hybrid Simultaneous Scheduling and Mapping in SQL Multi-query Parallelization
Implementation of Magic-sets in a Relational Database System
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