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Связанные издания:
ET++SwapsManager: Using Object Technology in the Financial Engineering Domain
Exceptions in Object Modeling: Finding Exceptions from the Elements of the Static Object Model
Experiences Developing a Virtual Shared Memory System Using High-Level Object Paradigms
Extending DCE RPC by Dynamic Objects and Dynamic Typing
Extending the Object Query Language for Transparent Metadata Access
F2/XML: Storing XML Documents in Object Databases
FIODBS: An Interoperable Object-Database System
Flattening the Metamodel for Object Databases
Formalising and Prototyping a Concurrent Object-Based Language
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems: Proc./6th IFIP WG 6.1 Intern. Conf., FMOODS 2003, Paris, France, November 2003
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems: Proc./7th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2005. Athens, Greece, June 2005
Formal Semantics of the ODMG 3.0 Object Query Language
Formal Specification, Object Oriented Design, and Implementation of an Ephemeral Logger for Database Systems
From Use Cases to System Operation Specifications
Generation of Object Models for Information Systems from Business System Models
Generic Facilities in Object-Oriented ASMs
Good News from Delphi
Group Paradigms in Discretionary Access Controls for Object Management Systems
Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2011, Part I: Proc./16th International Conference, Ravenna, Italy, September 2011
Implementing Tag-Driven Transformers with Tango
Implicit State Approach for Formalization of Sequential Java-like Programs
Inheritance in a Deductive Object Database Language with Updates
Inheritance Semantics of Deductive Object Base Language
Integrating and Supporting Entity Relationship and Object Role Models
Integrating Development of Task and Object Models
Integrating Legacy Systems in Distributed Object Architecture
Integration of Heterogeneous Object Schemas
Interaction of Java and Telescript Agents
Interactive System Design and Object Models
iO2: An Algorithmic Method for Building Inheritance Graphs in Object Database Design
Issues in Designing Object Management Systems
Language Independent Container Specification
Late Adaptation of Method Invocation Semantics
Learning and Teaching Objects Successfully Workshop Summary
Legacy Object Modeling Speeds Software Integration
Lessons from the Experiences of Leading-Edge Object Technology Projects in Hewlett-Packard
Lessons Learned from Implementing the CORBA Persistent Object Service
Linking CSP-OZ with UML and Java: A Case Study
LMO '97 Actes du Colloque Langages et Modeles a Objets
Local Specification of Distributed Families of Sequential Objects
Management of XML Documents in Object-Relational Databases
Managing Change in Persistent Object Systems
Managing Iteration in OO Projects
Managing Schema Evelution Using a Temporal Object Model
Materializing Web Data for OLAP and DSS
Metadata and Adaptive Object-Models
Method Transformations for Vertical Partitioning in Parallel and Distributed Object Databases
Minimize Mark-Up! Natural Writing Should Guide the Design of Textual Modeling Frontends
Mixing Visual and Texual Constraint Languages
MIZ-PR: A Theorem Prover for Polymorphic and Recursive Functions
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