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распределение памяти
Связанные издания:
1-Dimensional Parallel FFT Benchmark on SUPRENUM
Accelerated Access to Shared Distributed Arrays on Distributed Memory Systems by Access Objects
A Comparison of Shared Virtual Memory and Message Passing Programming Techniques Based on a Finite Element Application
A Dynamic Storage Allocation Algorithm Suitable for File Structures
A High Performance C Compiler for Distributed Memory Machines
Algorithms for Parallel Memory Allocation
An Adaptive Tenuring Policy for Generation Scavengers
Analysis of the Impact of Memory in Distributed Parallel Processing Systems
An Approach to Machine-Independent Parallel Programming
A New Method of Computation for Large Applications of Massively Parallel Computer Architectures
An Incremental Memory Allocation Method for Mixed Workloads
A Non-Fragmenting Non-Moving, Garbage Collector
A Proposal for an Operating System Designed for Cluster Servers
A Switch Cache Design for MIN-Based Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Bounded Model Checking of Pointer Programs
Building Certified Libraries for PCC: Dynamic Storage Allocation
Compiler Construction: Proc./14th International Conference, CC 2005, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005. Edinburgh, UK, April 2005
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: Proc./13th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2005. Saaerbruecken, Germany, October 2005
Distributed Computing: Proc./23rd International Symposium, DISC 2009, Elche, Spain, September 2009
Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review
Dynamic Type Information in Process Types
Evaluating Array Expressions on Massively Parallel Machines with Communication/Computation Overlap
Evolving OpenMP for Evolving Architectures: Proc./14th International Workshop, on OpenMP, IWOMP 2018, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018
Guardians in a Generation-Based Garbage Collector
Hector: A Hierarchically Structured Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
Implementation and Evaluation of Distributed Synchronization on a Distributed Memory Parallel Machine
Improved Parallel Architectural Simulations on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Improving the Cache Locality of Memory Allocation
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Revised Selecyed Papers/18th International Workshop, JSSPP 2014, Phoenix,AZ,USA, May 2014
Linear Spiral Hashing for Expansible Files
Massively Parallel Volume Rendering
Maya: A Simulation Platform for Distributed Shared Memories
Memory Allocation for Long-Running Server Applications
Memory Compaction for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
Modeling Cache Coherence Overhead with Geometric Objects
OpenSHMEM and Related Technologies: Big Compute and Big Data Convergence: Revised Selected Papers/4th Workshop, OpenSHMEM 2017, Annapolis,MD,USA, August 2017
Parallel Computation of Modular Multivariate Polynomial Resultants on a Shared Memory Machine
Segregating Heap Objects by Reference Behavior and Lifetime
Storage Allocation Strategies for Recursive Attribute Evaluators
Storage Assignment to Decrease Code Size
The Detection and Elimination of Useless Misses in Multiprocessors
The Interaction between Memory Allocation and Adaptive Partitioning in Message-Passing Multicomputers
The Memory Behavior of the WWW, or the WWW Considered as a Persistent Store
The Space Cost of Lazy Reference Counting
Using Lifetime Predictors to Improve Memory Allocation Performance
Автоматы с распределенной памятью
Аксиоматика распределения памяти
Вопросы организации динамического страничного распределения памяти в электрронных цифровых
ИНФОРМАТИКА Задачи и решения
Метод динамического распределения нестраничной памяти
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