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Связанные издания:
Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses: Proc./17th International Conference, EKAW 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2010
Learning from our Mistakes with Defect Causal Analysis
Maintainability: What Is It and How Do We Measure It?
Managing Data Quality in Cooperative Information Systems
Managing Organizational Handoffs with Empowered Teams
Managing Quality and Quality Improvement
Markov Analysis of Software Specifications
Measures for Assessing Dynamic Complexity Aspects of Object-Oriented Conceptual Schemes
Measuring Software Quality: A Case Study
Measuring the Quality of Entity Relationship Diagrams
Methodological Approach to Software Quality Assurance through High-Level Object-Oriented Metrics
Methods for evaluating and creating data quality
Metrics for Evaluating the Quality of Entity Relationship Models
Metrics for Quality Factors in the LESD Project
Middleware and Quality of Service
Mobile Web Services and Software Quality
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Proc./8th International Conference, MoDELS 2005. Montego Bay, Jamaica, October 2005
Models and Success Factors of Process Change
Models in Software Engineering: Reports and Revised Selected Papers/Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006 Genoa,Italy,October 2006
Models in Software Engineering: Reports and Revised Selected Papers/Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2007. Nashville, TN, USA, September/October 2007
Multidimensional Schemas Quality: Assessing and Balancing Analyzability and Simplicity
Multiperspective Evaluation of Reference Models - Towards a Framework
Multiview Framework for Goal Oriented Measurement Plan Design
Mutation Testing Applied to Validate SDL Specifications
Myths, Beliefs and Superstitions about the Quality of Software and of Its Teaching
Network Layer Scaling: Congestion Control in Multimedia Communication with Heterogenous Networks and Receivers
Next Generation Database Technologies for Advanced Communication Services
No Improvement without Learning: Prerequisites for Learning the Relations between Process and Product Quality in Practice
Normen zum Qualitatsmanagement bei der Softwareentwicklung
Objective Software Quality: Proc./Objective Quality: Second Symp. on Software Quality Techniques and Acquisition Criteria. Florence, Italy, May 1995
Object-Oriented Design of the UPT Service: Evaluation of the Design Quality and Experience Learned
Object Oriented Product Metrics for Quality Assessment (Workshop 9)
Oh, so That Is What You Meant! The Interplay of Data Quality and Date Semantics
On Developing a Repository Structure Tailored for Reuse with Improvement
On Formal Support for Industrial-Scale Requirements Analysis
On Performance Objective Functions for Optimising Routed Networks for Best QoS
On Project Management Scheduling where Human Resource is a Critical Variable
On the Acceptability of Conceptual Design Models for Web Applications
On the Measurement of COSTS Functional Suitability
Ontology for Software Metrics and Indicators: Building Process and Decisions Taken
Open Issues and Challenges in Providing Quality of Service Guarantees in High-Speed Networks
Open Source Software Development Should Strive for Even Greater Code Maintainability
Optimal Design of Fault-Tolerant Soft-Real-Time Systems with Imprecise Computations
Pair Programming: Addressing Key Process Areas of the People-CMM
Peer Reviews as a Quality Management Techniques in Open-Source Software Development Projects
Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling: Proc./ER 2005 Workshops AOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS. Klagenfurt, Austria, October 2005
Practical Results from Measuring Software Quality
Predicting Fault-Proneness using OO Metrics: An Industrial Case Study
Predicting Source-Code Complexity at the Design Stage
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