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Связанные издания:
Abductive Planning with Event Calculus
A Congruence Theorem for Structured Operational Semantics with Predicates
A Foundation for Hybrid Knowledge Bases
A Kind of Achievement by Parts Method
A Logic Program for Transforming Sequent Proofs to Natural Deduction Proofs
An Algorithm for Type Subsumption Analysis
Analytic Tebleaux for Finite and Infinite Post Logics
An Application to Teaching in Logic Course of ATP Based on Natural Deduction
A Natural Deduction Approach to Dynamic Logic
An EVES Data Abstraction Example
A New Technigue for Strictness Analysis
An Introduction to Partial Deduction
Annotation-Based Deduction in Temporal Logic
A Polyvariant Binding-Time Analysis for Off-line Partial Deduction
Applying Rewriting Techniques to the Verification of Erlang Processes
A Query Language for Arabic Expert System Applications
A Road-Map on Complexity for Hybrid Logics
A Syntactic Consistency Proof for NaDSet
A theorem proving associative processor
A Uniform Approach to Deduction and Automatic Implementation
Automated Deduction by Analogy
Automated Deduction - CADE-12: Proc./12th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction. Nancy, France, June-July 1994
Automated Deduction - CADE-13: Proc./13th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction. New Brunswick, NJ, USA, July-August 1996
Automated Deduction - CADE-14: Proc./14th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction. Townsville, North Queensland, Australia, July 1997
Automated Deduction - CADE-15: Proc./15th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction. Lindau, Germany, July 1998
Automated Deduction - CADE-16: Proc./ 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Trento, Italy, July 1999
Automated Deduction - CADE-17: Proc./17th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 2000
Automated Deduction - CADE-18: Proc./18th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2002
Automated Deduction - CADE-19: Proc./19th Intern. Conf. on Automated Deduction, Miami Beach, FL, USA, July-August 2003
Automated Deduction - CADE-20: Proc./20th International Conference on Automated Deduction. Tallinn, Estonia, July 2005
Automated Deduction in Additive and Multiplicative Linear Logic
Automated Deduction in Classical and Non-Classical Logics: Selected Papers
Automated Deduction in Equational Logic and Cubic Curves
Automated Deduction in Geometry: Proc./4th Intern. Workshop, ADG 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 2002
Automated Deduction in Geometry: Proc./Intern. Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry. Toulouse, France, September 1996
Automated Deduction in Geometry: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, ADG 98. Beijing, China, August 1998
Automated Deduction in Geometry: Proc./Third Intern. Workshop, ADG 2000, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2000
Automated Deduction with Constraints
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: Proc./Intern. Conf., TABLEAUX 2003, Rome, Italy, September 2003
Automatic Deduction of Temporal Information
Avoiding Dynamic Delays in Functional Logic Programs
BDDs and Automated Deduction
Conjunctive Partial Deduction in Practice
Constraint Deduction in an Interval-based Temporal Logic
Deduction and Deductive Databases for Geographic Data Handling
Deduction Rule for the Approximated Knowledge of a Mapping
Deductive Object Oriented Schemas
Differentiating Assumptions from Extra-Logical Axioms in Natural Deduction
DISCOUNT: A System for Distributed Equational Deduction
Dissolution: Making Paths Vanish
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