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Связанные издания:
SUIT - Context Sensitive Evaluation of User Interface Development Tools
Summary of Case Studies in FOCUS - a Design Method for Distributed Systems
SuperVISE - System Specification and Design Methodology
Supporting Adaptable Methodologies to Meet Evolving Project Needs
Supporting Reuse in Object-Oriented Design Methods
System Engineering and Nets
Systems Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications: Revised Selected Papers/Third Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2004. Jeju Island, Korea, October 2004
Tailoring Software Pipelining for Effective Exploitation of Zero Overhead Loop Buffer
Teaching More Comprehensive Model-Based Software Engineering: Experience with Objectory s Use Case Approach
Testing Processes for Efficiency
Testing Software and Systems: Proc./28th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, ICTSS 2016, Graz, Austria, October 2016
The Automated Production Control Documentation System: A Case Study in Cleanroom Software Engineering
The Behavior Network Model for Сonceptual Information Modeling
The Cedar System and an Initial Performance Study
The Condition Specification: Revisiting Its Role within a Hierarchy of Simulation Model Specifications
The Delphi Survey Methodology: An Approach to Determine Training Needs
The Feasibility of CASE Structured Analysis Methodology Support
The Individual Deployment of Systems Development Methodologies
The Isac-Driven Transition Between Requirements Analysis and er Conceptual Modelling
The O-O-O Methodology for the Object-Oriented Life Cycle
The PIE Methodology - Concept and Application
The PowerPC Performance Modeling Methodology
The PRISMA Experiment
The Requirements for a Methodology to Test Secure Open Systems
The results of the New Approach consultation exercise
The Role of Software Development Methodologies: Past, Present, and Future
The Specification of UML Collaborations as Interaction Components
The Story of the IDEA Methodology
The Tropos Software Development Methodology: Processes, Models and Diagrams
The Value of Reference Implementations and Prototyping in a Formal Design and Testing Methodology
Three Proposals for Object Orientation
Time Warp Simulation Using Time Scale Decomposition
Tool for Computing Cohesion and Coupling in Ada Programs: DIANA Dependent Part
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Part I: Proc./26th International Conference, TACAS 2020 Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 2020
Tool-Supported Process Analysis and Design for the Development of Multi-agent Systems
Towards a Methodology for Coordination Mechanism Selection in Open Systems
Towards a Methodology for Explicit Composition of MetaObjects
Towards an Implementation-oriented Specification of TP Protocol in LOTOS
Towards an Object-Oriented Methodology for Deductive Synthesis of Logic Programs
Towards a Recursive Agent Oriented Methodology for Large-Scale MAS
Towards a Unified Development Methodology for Shared-Variable Parallel and Distributed Programs
Towards Requirements-Driven Information Systems Engineering: The Tropos Project
Towards Unifying Partial Evaluation, Deforestation, Supercompilation, and GPC
Towards Verifying Large(r) Systems: A Strategy and an Experiment
Tracking the Evolution of Concepts in Dynamic Worlds
Trends in Digital Device Test Methodologies
Tutorial: Software Methodology: Proc./COMPSAC 78:, Chicago, IL,USA, November 1978
Understandability of the Software Engineering Method as an Important Factor for Selecting a CASE Tool
Unifying dynamic programming design patterns
Untangling Configuration Management
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