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Связанные издания:
A Case for make
Adequacy of the New Generation of Multithreading Operating Systems to the Ada Tasking Model
A Dynamic C-Based Object-Oriented System for UNIX
A Family of Modula-2 light-weight processes in a UNIX environment
AIX сегодня
Analysis of the Paging Behavior of UNIX
A New Dimension for the Unix File System
An International Hotel Reservations System Using Loosely Coupled UNIX Systems
A Parallel-Programming Process Model
A Uniform Approach to Securing Unix Applications Using SESAME
Building Monitors with UNIX and C
Captures de Continuations dans un Systeme Distribue: un Dialogue Client/Serveur Symbolique
Developing a Natural Language Interface for the Unix Operating System
Edison, a Unix and C friendly Rete Based Production System
Finally, A Binary UNIX PC Standard
Interprocess Communication in the Ninth Edition Unix System
JBuilder для Solaris и не только
Layered Development with (Unix) Dynamic Libraries
Lightweight Recoverable Virtual Memory
Linux Matters
Linux идет на работу
Linux позволяет добиться большего
Managing UUCP and Usenet
Measurements of a Distributed File System
Net Programming for the Masses
Object-Oriented Design of an Air Defence Simulator
On-Line Documentation and Publication: The Davenport Group
Operating System Projects: Linking Theory, Practice and Use
Operating Systems in a Changing World
OS/2 и AIX: одноранговые сети персональных систем и UNIX-рабочих станций
Partitioning & Mapping Problems in Heterogeneous Computing
Portage d un Environnement Unix sur le Noyau Gothic
QNX - Золушка в семье UNIX
Reflections on Trusting Trust
Replication in the Harp File System
Report on SUUG
Spezifikation des UNIX Datei- und Variablensystems. Eine SPECTRUM-Fallstudie
Store - a System for Handling Third-Party Applications in a Heterogeneous Computer Environment
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System
The Design and Implementation of a Unix Classroom
The Path to Open-Source Systems
The UNIX Tutor
Unix and Beyond: An Interview with Ken Thompson
Unix Music Tools at Bellcore
Unix Security & Kerberos
UNIX STREAMS Generation from a Formal Specification
Unix vs. Windows NT
UnixWare 2: новинка на рынке UNIX-систем
Unix with No Excuses
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