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Связанные издания:
Linear Time Byzantine Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization
Linear Time Hierarchies for a Functional Language Machine Model
Linear Types for Cashflow Reengineering
Linear Types for Packet Processing
Lively Linear Lisp - Look Ma, No Garbage!
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: Proc./24th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2017, London, UK, July 2017
Logic of Predicates with Explicit Substitutions
Logic Versus Approximation: Essays Dedicated to Michael M.Richter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Modal Linear Logic
Modeling, Optimization and Computation for Software Verification
Multiplicative Linear Logic for Resource Transformation Nets
Nesting Until and Since in Linear Temporal Logic
Normalization of Linear Recursions Based on Graph Transformations
On Implementation of Tree Synchronized Languages
On Proof Nets for Multiplicative Linear Logic with Units
On Stubborn Sets in the Verification of Linear Time Temporal Properties
On the Computational Complexity of Cut-Elimination in Linear Logic
On the Desirability and Limitations of Linear Spatial Database Models
On-the-fly Verification of Linear Temporal Logic
On the Lattice Structure of the Add-With-Carry and Subtract-With-Borrow Random Number Generators
On the Linearization of Graphs and Writing Symbol Files
On the Saturation Principle for a Linear Temporal Logic
On Tractability of Disjoint AND-Decomposition of Boolen Formulas
Optimizing Bounded Model Checking for Linear Hybrid Systems
Parallelization of Non-simultaneous Iterative Methods for Systems of Linear Equations
Parametric Linear and Quadratic Optimization by Elimination
PARASPAR: Parallel Solvers for Sparse Linear Algebraic Systems
Past is for free: on the complexity of verifying linear temporal properties with past
Path-Sensitive Analysis for Linear Arithmetic and Uninterpreted Functions
Performance Analysis of Stochastic Timed Petri Netts Using Linear Programming Approach
Performance of Linear Hashing Schemes for Primary Key Retrieval
Petri Nets, Horn Programs, Linear Logic, and Vector Games
PN-Test Generation by a Linear Algebraic Representation
Pomset Logic: A Non-communicative Extension of Classical Linear Logic
Precise Interprocedural Analysis through Linear Algebra
Predicate Transformers and Linear Logic: Yet Another Denotational Level
Primal and Revised Simplex Algorithms on a Network of T800 Transputers
Problem-oriented verification system and its application to linear algebra program
Problem-Oriented Verification System and its Application to Linear Algebra Programs
Programming Languages and Systems: Proc./23rd European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2014 Held as Part of the ETASPS 2014, Grenoble, France, April 2014
Propositional Linear Temporal Logic and Language Homomorphisms
QR-Like Algorithms for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Recursive Inseparability in Linear logic
Reformulation of Explanation by Linear Logic - Toward Logic for Explanation
Regular Marked Petri Nets
Repeated Matrix Squaring for the Parallel Solution of Linear Systems
Resets vs. Aborts in Linear Temporal Logic
Rewriting Properties of Combinators for Rudimentary Linear Logic
Robust Model-Checking of Linear-Time Properties in Timed Automata
Safe Datalog Queries with Linear Constraints
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