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Связанные издания:
High-Performance Embedded Software Architectures and Compilers: Proc./Third International Conference, HiPEAC 2008. Goeteborg, Sweden, January 2008
HPF-2 Support for Dynamic Sparse Computations
HPFIT: A Set of Integrated Tools for the Parallelization of Applications using High Performance Fortran. PART I: HPFIT and the TransTOOL Environment
Hybrid Simultaneous Scheduling and Mapping in SQL Multi-query Parallelization
Identifying DEF/USE Information of Statements that Construct and Traverse Dynamic Recursive Data Structures
Implementation Issues of Loop-Level Speculative Run-Time Parallelization
Improving Compiler and Run-Time Support for Irregular Reductions Using Local Writes
Improving Locality in the Parallelization of Doacross Loops
Improving the Sparse Parallelization Using Semantical Information at Compile-Time
Index-Association Based Dependence Analysis and its Application in Automatic Parallelization
Index Set Splitting
Inroducing Parallelism in Multimedia Database Systems
Interfacing Computer Aided Parallelization and Performance Analysis
JPT: A Java Parallelization Tool
Language and Compiler Support for Hybrid-Parallel Programming on SMP Clusters
Loop Parallelization
MARS: A Distributed Memory Approach to Shared Memory Compilation
Naira: A Parallel Haskell Compiler
Nonlinear and Symbolic Data Dependence Testing
On Automatic Parallelization of Irregular Reductions on Scalable Shared Memory Systems
On Logic Program Parallelisation Strategies
On Scanning Space-Time Mapped while Loops
On the Automatic Parallelization of Sparse and Irregular Fortran Programs
On the Automatic Parallelization of the Perfect Benchmarks
OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming: Proc./International Workshops, IWOMP 2005 & 2006. Eugene, OR, USA, June 2005, Reims, France, June 2006
Optimal Orthogonal Tiling
Optimized Execution of Fortran 90 Array Language on Symmetric Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
ParaGraph - An Interactive Environment for Parallelizing FORTRAN Programs
Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc./10th International Conference, PaCT 2009, Novosibirsk, Russia, August/September 2009
Parallelising a Large Functional Program or: Keeping LOLITA Busy
Parallelization and Vectorization Effects on a Code Simulating a Vitreous Lattice Model with Constrained Dynamics
Parallelization in Calculational Forms
Parallelization of Unstructured Mesh Computations Using Data Structure Formalization
Parallelization via Constrained Storage Mapping Optimization
Parallelization with Tree Skeletons
Parallelizing I/O - Intensive Image Access and Processing Applications
Parallelizing Merge Sort onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
Parallel Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Code Based on Integration of HPF and Optimized Parallel Libraries
Plugging anti and output Dependence Removal Techniques into Loop Parallelization Algorithm
Practical Compiler Techniques on Efficient Multithreaded Code Generation for OpenMP Programs
Practical Experiences in Parallelizing Existent Computer Programs
Principles of Speculative Run-Time Parallelization
Program Analysis, Debugging, and Optimization Using the Ciao System Preprocessor
PVMWebCluster: Integration of PVM Clusters Using Web Services and CORBA
Reducing Communication Cost for Parallelizing Irregular Scientific Codes
Reducing Synchronization Overhead for Compiler-Parallelized Codes on Software DSMs
Scheduling the Computations of a Loop Nest with Respect to a Given Mapping
Semantic-Driven Parallelization of Loops Operating on User-Defined Containers
Simplifying Polynomial Constraints Over Integers to Make Dependence Analysis More Precise
Some DCE Performance Analysis Results
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