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Связанные издания:
Effects of the Checkpoint Interval on Time and Space in Time Warp
Efficient Algorithms for Simulating Service Disciplines
Efficient Discrete-Event Simulation of Coloured Petri Nets
Eliminating the Boundary Effect of a Large-Scale Personal Communication Service Network Simulation
Equivalent Net Reduction for Firing Sequence
Estimates of Cycle Times in Stochastic Petri Nets
Evaluating Discrete Mathematics Exercises
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./17th European Conference, EvoCOP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 2017
Experimental Algorithms: Proc./13th International Symposium, SEA 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2014
Fundamentals of the Representation of Diskrete Processes
Graphics Assignments in Discrete Mathematics
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: Proc./8th International Workhshop, HSCC 2005. Zurich, Switzerland, March 2005
Integration of Discrete Mathematics Topics into the Secondary Mathematics Curriculum using Mathematica - A Summer Institute for High School Teaching
Is Timed Branching Bisimilarity an Equivalence Indeed?
Linear Inequality LTL (iLTL): A Model Checker for Discrete Time Markov Chains
Logic of Programming and Calculi of Discrete Design: International Summer School directed by F.L. Bauer, M. Broy, E.W. Dijkstra, C.A.R. Hoare: Marktoberdorf, Germany, August, 1986
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing: Proc./13th International Symposium, ISMM 2017, Fontainebleau, France, May 2017
Mathematics and Computation in Music: Proc./6th International Conference, MCM 2017, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2017
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervation - MICCAI 2013, Part I: Proc./16th International Conference, Nagoya, Japan, September 2013
Monitoring Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Net Embeddings
Multiobjective A
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: Revised Selected Papers/Third International Conference, NAA 2004. Rousse, Bulgaria, June/July 2004
Object Oriented Parallel Discrete Event Simulation: The PROSIT Approach
Object Oriented Simulation: Highlights on the Prosit Parallel Discrete Event Simulator
On a Parallel Partitioning Technique for Use with Conservative Parallel Simulation
On Binary Constraint Problems
On Symbolic Model Checking in Petri Nets
Open System Archiyecture of a Multi-Model Loading and Scheduling System
Operational Semantics for Timed Systems: A Non-standard Approach to Uniform Modeling of Timed and Hybrid Systems
Operations Research Proceedings 2008: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) University of Augsburg, September 3-5, 2008
Optimization of Timed Automata Models Using Mixed-Integer Programming
Parallelism Analyser for Conservative Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
Parallelism Analyzers for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
Parallel Simulation
PARSEVAL: A Workbench for Queueing Networks Parallel Simulation
Performance of a Riskfree Time Warp Operating System
Reconstruction, Segmentation, and Analysis of Medical Images: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshops, RAMBO 2016 and HVSMR 2016 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 2016
Recursive Petri nets
Reduced State Space Generation of Concurrent Systems Using Weak Persistency
Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2004: Revised Selected Papers/Third International Conference. Seoul, Korea, October 2004
Sequential Sampling Procedures for Query Size Estimation
Several Unsolved Problems in Large-Scale Discrete Event Simulations
Simplifying the Modeling of Multiple Activities, Multiple Queuing, and Interruptions: A New Low-Level Data Structure
Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues, and New Directions: Revised Selected Papers/ICML 2006 Workshop. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 2006
Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection: Revised Selected Papers/Statistical and Optimization Perspectives Workshop, SLSFS 2005. Bohinj, Slovenia, February 2005
Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Conference, ICSIBO 2014, Mulhouse, France, May 2014
Symbolic and Parametric Model Checking of Discrete-Time Markov Chains
Synchronous Relaxation for Parallel Simulations with Applications to Circuit-Switched Networks
TAPSOFT 91: Proc./Intern. Joint Conf. Theory and Practice of Software Development, Brighton, UK, April 1991. Vol.1
Timed Condition/Event Systems: A Framework for Modular Discrete Models of Chemical Plants and Verification of Their Real-Time Discrete Control
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