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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
1-Dimensional Parallel FFT Benchmark on SUPRENUM
A Consideration of the Modes of Operation for Secure Systems
A Mode Analysis of Logic Programs by Abstract Interpretation
A Multithreaded Substrate and Compilation Model for the Implicitly Parallel Language pH
A New Load-Prediction Scheme Based on Algorithmic Cost Functions
An Integration of Case-Based and Model-Based Reasoning and its Application to Physical System Faults
A proof of the Rank Theorem for Extended Free Choise Nets
A Review of Formalisms for Describing Interactive Behaviour
ATM Concepts, Architectures, and Protocols
ATM Connection and Traffic Management Schemes for Multimedia Internetworking
ATM Network: Goals and Challenges
ATM Virtual Private Networks
Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence, and Observable Determinism
Block Loss Reduction in ATM Networks
Building Future Medical Education Environments over ATM Networks
Efficient Implementation of PVM on the AN2 ATM Network
Experiences of Building an ATM Switch for the Local Area
High-level Nets and Linear Logic
Implementation of a Graph-Based Data Model for Complex Objects
Improvements to TCP Performance in High-Speed ATM Networks
Information Filtering Based on User Behavior Analysis and Best Match Text Retrieval
Integrated Control and Coordinated Behavior: A Case for Agent Models
Integrating Modes and Subtypes into a Prolog Type-checker
Modeling Reactive Behaviour in Vertically Layered Agent Architectures
Modes of Comprehension: Mode Analysis of a Arrays and Array Comprehensions
ObjChart: Tangible Specification of Reactive Object Behavior
On Modularity of Termination and Confluence Properties of Conditional Rewrite Systems
On Well Behavedness of BP Schemes
Optimal Algorithms for Dissemination of Information in Generalized Communication Modes
Paragon Specifications: Structure, Analysis and Implementation
Place Bisimulations in Petri Nets
Program Behavior Invariant as the Basis for System Performance Estimation
Provoding Common Access Mechanisms for Disimilar Network Interconnection Nodes
Representing and Executing Agent-Based Systems
Roles, Skills and Behaviour: A Situated Action Approach to Organising Systems of Interacting Agents
Secure Communications in ATM Networks
Signaling and Operating System Support for Native-Mode ATM Applications
Synchronous-Asynchronous Cellular Computations
Tools for Multiple-CPU Environments
Tracking and Grasping of Moving Objects - a Behaviour-Based Approach -
Turbo Professional и Object Professional: работа в графических режимах
Using Harel Statecharts to Model Object-Oriented Behavior
Диагностика программ в режиме диалога
Диалоговый конфигуратор программного обеспечения микропроцессорных систем
Использование возможностей за и енного режима работы процессора в Windows-приложениях
Как "форсировать" сеть
Организация псевдомногозадачности в Turbo Pascal
Стандартное прикладное обеспечение для векторно-конвейерной ЭВМ "Электроника ССБИС"