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Связанные издания:
2nd Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP 97)
ABC/ADL: An ADL Supporting Component Composition
Abstract Behavior Types: A Foundation Model for Components and Their Composition
A Calculus for Modeling Software Components
A Case Study on a Component-Based System and Its Configuration
A Characterization of Generator and Component Reuse Technologies
A Classification and Comparison Framework for Software Architecture Description Languages
A Classification Scheme for Studies on Fault-Prone Components
A COM-Based Customization Testing Technique
A Complementary Approach to Requirements Engineering - Software Architecture Orientation
A Component and Communication Model for Push Systems
A Component-Based Architecture to Support Collaborative Application Design
A Component-Based Design Approach for Collaborative Distributed Systems
A Component-Based Parallel Constraint Solver
A Component Based Real-Time Scheduling Architecture
A Component Calculus for Modeling the Olan Configuration Language
A Component Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Systems
A Component Model for Field Devices
A Constructive Approach to Reuse of Conceptual Components
A Correlation Framework for the CORBA Component Model
Acquiring Reusable Software Designs
Ada 9X Reusable Components
Adaptable Components for Software Product Line Engineering
Adapting C++ Exception Handling to an Extended COM Exception Model
Adapting Components with Mismatching Behaviours
Adding Feature to Component-Based Systems
A Description Language for Composable Components
A Domain Specific Software Architecture Style for CSCD System
Advanced Component Interface Specification
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Proc./11th Intern. Conf., CAiSE 99. Heidelberg, Germany, June 1999
A European COTS Architecture with Built-in Tests
A Fault-Tolerant Software Architecture for Component-Based Systems
A First Assessment of Development Processes with Respect to Product Lines and Component Based Development
A Framework for Constructing Adaptive Component-Based Applications: Concepts and Experiences
A Framework for Reliability Assessment of Software Components
A Framework for Run-time Systems and Its Visual Programming Language
A Framework for Supporting Views in Component Oriented Information Systems
A Generative Approach to Framework Instantiation
A Grey-Box Approach to Component Composition
A Hierarchical Framework for Component-Based Real-Time Systems
A Logical Basis for the Specification of Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems
A Logical Interface Description Language for Components
A Metamodel-Based Approach for the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Software
A Metrics-Guided Framework for Cost and Quality Management of Component-Based Software
A Model for Recording Early-Stage Proposals and Decisions on Using COTS Components in Architecture
A Multi-variant Approach to Software Process Modeling
An Active Component for a Parallel Database Kernel
Analysis of a Conflict between Aggregation and Interface Negotiation in Microsoft s Component Object Model
An Environment for Building Customizable Software Components
An Infrastructure for CORBA Component Replication
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