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Связанные издания:
About some relationships between configuration management, software process and cooperative work: the COO Environment
A Branching/Merging Strategy for Parallel Software Development
Abstracting Dependencies between Software Configuration Items
A Case Study on a Component-Based System and Its Configuration
A Classification and Comparison Framework for Software Architecture Description Languages
A Component Calculus for Modeling the Olan Configuration Language
A Configurable Framework for Method and Tool Integration
A Configuration Approach to Parallel Programming
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Proc./29th International Conference, CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 2017
A Generic, Peer-to-Peer Repository for Distributed Configuration Management
A Graphical Environment for GLADE
A High-Level Object-Oriented Specification Language for Configuration Management and Tool Integration
A Hypertext-Based Tool for Large Scale Software Reuse
Algebraic Software Architecture Reconfiguration
A Lightweight Infrastructure for Reconfiguring Applications
A Metamodel-Based Approach for the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Software
A New Dimension for the Unix File System
An Experience in Configuration Management in SODALLA
An Object Versioning System to Support Collaborative Design within a Cincurrent Engineering Context
AOP for Dynamic Configuration and Management of Web Services
Applications of Configuration Information to Security
Applying Software Configuration Management in Web Sites Development: A Case Study
A Precise Examination of the Behaviour of Process Models
A Rationale for Automated Configuration Status Accounting
A Semantic Primitive Unifying Object Transactions, Access Control, Versions, and Configurations
A Software Configuration Management Course
A Tailorable Distributed Programming Environment
A Theoretical Framework for Configuration
Autonomic Networking: Proc./First International IFIP TC6 Conference, AN 2006. Paris, France, September 2006
Autonomic Principles of IP Operations and Management: Proc./6th IEEE Intl WS IPOM 2006. Dublin, Ireland, October 2006
A Visual Software Process Language
A Workshop Support Grammatical Programming
Bridges: Tools to Extend the Vesta Configuration Management System
Change Management Needs Integrated Process and Configuration Management
ClearCase MultiSite: Supporting Geographically-Distributed Software Development
CMOS Setup, или скрытые резервы компьютера. Часть 1
Computing the Inner Product on Reconfigurable Buses with Shift Switching
Configuration Description for Component Reuse
Configuration Management Culture as the Kernel to Success in Software Process Improvement Efforts
Configuration Management in Component Based Product Population
Configuration Management in Terms of Modules
Configuration Management Support for Software Process Models
Configuration Management with Logical Structures
Configuration of a Passenger Aircraft Cabin based on Conceptual Hierarchy, Constraints and Flexible Control
Configuration of Industrial Mixing-Machines-Development of a Knowledge-Based System
Configuring Versioned Software Products
Consistent Configuration of Modular Algebraic Implementations
Corel LINUX. Началось?
Data Product Configuration Management and Versioning in Large-Scale Production of Satellite Scientific Data
Defining and Supporting Concurrent Engineering Policies in SCM
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